PointsWalla, LoanSingh.com


Cluster Product Manager at Prototyze a fintech company into financial inclusion, where I also played the role of the venture head for a brief period. Lead product development for LoanSingh.com a peer-to-peer lending platform and PointsWala, a personal shopper app as an engagement platform

  • Take a peer-to-peer lending platform, LoanSingh.com, and a personal shopper app, PointsWala, from zero-to-one
  • Lead the team to identify social data points and risk weights to arrive at a credit score for potential loan applicants
  • Worked with operations team to kick start the lending process with offline credit scoring and building data set to check risk weights
  • Wireframed the web application and finalized the designs with the designers
  • Identified the features required for a personal shopper app that curates offers from multiple ecommerce websites depending on the interests of the user. Tested a prototype with the target segment
  • Led sprints by the engineering team to develop the website and app
  • Did a soft launch of the LoanSingh.com website
  • Launched PointsWalla app to the play store and enabled 5000 downloads

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